赞助项目办公室(OSP)管理外部资金(合同), 奖助金, and cooperative agreements) to Montana Tech, 并确保这笔资金符合内部控制和适用的政策和程序. OSP is the fiscal liaison between PI’s and sponsors, negotiating the cost and budget aspects of the mutually binding agreements, sub-agreements, 和subawards.  OSP负责奖励后符合非技术赞助商要求, such as financial report, 发票, 现金管理, and account close-out procedures.

Once Montana Tech has received a fully executed award, 赞助项目办公室将向PI发送他/她的索引号以及奖项副本,以便他/她记录. 的 Principal Investigator is responsible for sponsored project management.

赞助项目办公室要求PI审查和批准项目的所有费用. 的 预算Anaylst will review the expenses for compliance with University, 状态, and Sponsor Requirements; along with determining if the expense is allowable, 可拨出的, and reasonable within the period of performance.

赞助项目办公室将每月发送启动至今的报告.  It is the PI’s responsibility to review this report monthly for accuracy.  If you have any questions regarding the report please contact the Assistant Director of Sponsored Programs immediately if there is a discrepancy.  这份报告是您当前和开始到目前为止的奖金支出的文件,包括可用余额.

All travel policies and forms may now be found on MyMtech. Once you login, navigate to "Administrative Services" in the left navigation.

成本转移 occur when expenditures are moved from one index to another.  无论何时涉及赞助项目资金,成本转移的管理都是非常重要的,因为费用只有在能够明确确定其所受益的资助活动的情况下才能记入特定的赠款或合同.

All cost transfers must be documented, explained, and approved.  的 Assistant Director of Sponsored Programs is available to assist with any cost transfer forms.

费用分摊(配套资金)是指发起人未支付的项目费用部分. (联邦法规第2卷第200部分.30)成本分摊的资源必须是可量化的、可追踪的,并向发起人报告.

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院只允许报告费用分担,当它是由赞助商要求. (强制性费用分担)

强制性的和. 自愿分担费用

  • 自愿分担费用: Quantified resources offered in the proposal, not required by the sponsor. 联邦资助者不能“鼓励”成本分担作为审查要求的一部分.
  • 强制性成本分担: 为获得对提案的考虑,发起人所需的量化资源. 强制性费用分摊必须由菲律宾十大彩票平台大学作为奖励的一部分进行跟踪,并报告给赞助商. This requirement will be described in the application guidelines. If Montana Tech fails to provide the committed cost share, the sponsor can reduce its funding or require some reimbursement.

Common items used for cost share include:

  • 教师的时间/精力;
  • 未还原的F&A;
  • F的贡献&A;
  • 实物的贡献;
  • Graduate Tuition Waivers; and
  • 与项目相关的旅行.


第三方成本分担是指“第三方”(不是菲律宾十大彩票平台大学,也不是赞助商)为支持项目提供的任何服务或资源的价值. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院需要来自第三方的合作信,说明成本分担的确切项目和成本分担的确切价值. 的 letter must be signed by an authorized authority at the third party. 记住, 蒙大拿州理工大学仍然是提案中提供的所有费用分摊的责任方. If third party cost share does not come to fruition, Montana Tech is still responsible for providing that cost share amount.


未还原的F&A is the difference between the sponsor-allowed F&速度 and the Montana Tech F&速度. 如果赞助商的费率较低,那么这个差额可以用作成本分摊.


F的贡献&A是计算出的F&A associated with any cash contributions by Montana Tech to the project. 现金捐款包括教师在项目上的时间/努力或贡献资金(非联邦),用于支付菲律宾十大彩票平台学院共享项目的任何费用.

Implied cost share and quantifying resources is not allowed by Montana Tech. 这种情况发生在工作范围(或预算/预算叙述以外的任何提案部分)明确规定可以量化的大学支持时.

例子: Professor X will spend 10% of time on this project overseeing students. 这是可以量化的,因为可以在X教授的时间上投入一美元. An acceptable statement would beX教授将指导与这个项目有关的所有研究活动.

例子: 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院将提供两个工作站和计算机来支持这个项目. A better way to state this is: 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院将为该项目的顺利完成提供计算机资源和技术支持.


Time and Effort reporting is governed by 统一的指导 2 CFR Part 220.

必须跟踪和记录为联邦政府资助的项目付出或承诺工作的每个人的努力, 在所有其他活动的背景下,每个人都作为他/她工作职责的一部分.

  • 的 guidelines recognize that at university, actives are often blurred, therefore good-faith estimates are allowed.
  • Time and Effort MUST be document ‘after-the-fact” every term

OSP helps with this and keeps the documentation on file, 但是项目负责人负责并且必须验证项目支付的每个人的工作(或者其工作是委员会成本分担的一部分)。.


We are here to answer your questions, and connect you with the right resources to optimize research, 增长, 和发现.

研究 Office and Office of Sponsored Programs
210 212 213
(406) 496-4106